IMPORTANT INFORMATION: There are fees associated with this transaction. Fees will be deducted from amount donated.
If you wish to pay fees upfront, include an additional 1.99% + $.49 transaction fee.
EXAMPLE:  For a $100 donation, include an additional $1.99 + $.49 (transaction fee) = $102.48

Now you can send your tithes & offerings via Zelle using
You and your Family are cordially invited to attend one or more of our worship services in-person or via Facebook & YouTube.


Sunday @ 7:30 AM – Early Morning Service (In-person)

Sunday @ 9:15 AM – Sunday School (In-person)

Sunday @ 11:00 AM – Sunday Morning Worship (In-person, Facebook or YouTube)

Wednesday @ 7:00 PM – Bible Study (Zoom)
God is truly doing marvelous works at Bread of Life and we look forward to continued blessings.